Six Pack Abs - Workout | Alternative Medicine

Six Pack Abs - Workout

   Abs are the foundation of every athlete to have a beautiful body and attractive, you need a well trained taut belly.
Here i will show you many exercies to have abs at short time.

1 . Sit Ups 
Do it 15 for round 

2 . Push Through Crunches
15 for round

3 . Back Hold
stay 30 seconde on this position 

4 . Toe Touches
15 for round

  Everyone can do this exercice, All what you need is desire, if possible , have an associate to just motivate you and help you.
That's not all but i gave you the short and the basic workout for abs.
Don't Forget : 70% of abs maked on Kitchen
               and   30% is workout 
so i propose to you to read this post first :